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Forum Posts

Sep 20, 2023
In General Discussion
Hi All: It is unfortunate that I feel the need to write this post, however we have experienced several occasions where, while walking our dog, others' dogs have been leaving their property and charging, nipping at, scratching at, and jumping on top of our leashed dog and us humans on the other side of the leash as well. These types of occurrences should be slim to none and we understand accidents happen, however we have experienced 3 of these just within the last month. Today's was the breaking point and I would like to stress to everyone that there is risk and danger with these occurrences. We have HOA bylaws that provide language on how dogs are kept. They were put there for a reason. B(http://reason.By)y following those bylaws, it will minimize risk. The bylaw keeps the leashed dog, the unleashed dog, their owners and passerbys safe. You never know if aggressive behavior will come from the leashed dog, the dog wandering free, or both in response to each other. We have individuals in this neighborhood who are afraid of dogs, we have children playing, we have people who just like walking in our beautiful area. Please keep it safe and respectful for everyone to enjoy. Page 8, ARTICLE XIII: "1. Dogs (adopted and incorporated 12/5/77, revised 2/5/03). All dogs must be confined to their own premises except when on an eight-foot leash. All dogs must have current vaccinations against rabies and must wear the current rabies tags. All dogs must be registered with the county and wear the current county dog licenses. Owners are required to clean up after their dogs."


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